Ellis County GOP Blog

Welcome to the official blog of the Ellis County GOP. I hope this to be a location to quickly get out important information regarding the Ellis County GOP. 972-938-9383 or the Chairman's cell at 214-394-4961.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Republicans on Right Track with Reforms

by Bobby Eberle

If there’s one thing the Democrats do well, it’s delivering a consistent attack message against the Republicans. Every Democrat seems to be on the same page. Lately, the attack revolves around the “culture of corruption” that they say has engulfed the Republicans. However, once again we see that it’s easy for Democrats to attack, and much harder for them to propose any constructive actions. Despite the fact that the Democrats are just as deeply tied to lobbyists like Jack Abramoff, the Republicans in the House are the ones stepping forward to address the problem and call for reforms....... For the rest of the story go to: http://www.gopusa.com/theloft/?p=199


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