Ellis County GOP Blog

Welcome to the official blog of the Ellis County GOP. I hope this to be a location to quickly get out important information regarding the Ellis County GOP. 972-938-9383 or the Chairman's cell at 214-394-4961.

Friday, January 20, 2006

01/19/06 Executive meeting productive

Last night we had a good turnout at the executive meeting. Along with precinct chairs, candidates, and grassroots activists we had about 40+ people in attendance. The committee discussed gathering volunteers to work the upcoming polls for the primary election. Precinct Chiars/Election Judges please make sure to call Debbie Garvin (972-938-9383) to confirm the names that you have to work at your polling location.

Last night's speaker was Janelle Shepard who gave us an update regarding a recently released report on Republican officials in Texas accepting donations from traditionally democrat contributors. It was a very interesting presentation.

Finally, the candidates in attendance were given the chance to introduce themselves. For those candidates who didn't have a good reason for not showing up you might want to reconsider your campaign strategy. If you're wanting to win!


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