Ellis County GOP Blog

Welcome to the official blog of the Ellis County GOP. I hope this to be a location to quickly get out important information regarding the Ellis County GOP. 972-938-9383 or the Chairman's cell at 214-394-4961.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Dr. Ray Perryman

An analysis by The Perryman Group (TPG), an economic research firm based in Waco, reveals that a proposed tax reform measure could bring substantial benefits to the Texas economy. The plan put forth by the Texas Tax Reform Commission, chaired by former Comptroller of Public Accounts John Sharp, represents a substantial overhaul and modernization of the tax system in Texas. The plan would reduce school property taxes significantly, eliminate the current corporate franchise tax, and enact an "alternative margins tax" designed to offer a fair and equitable distribution of the business tax burden (as well as a few other items).
According to Dr. M. Ray Perryman, the President of the firm which conducted the analysis, "In addition to its role in helping to meet court-imposed mandates regarding the financing of public education, this proposal has considerable merit. By reducing property taxes and eliminating the current capital stock component of the franchise tax, it removes much of the penalty presently imposed on large, capital-intensive enterprises. As a result, it will serve as a stimulus to investment and economic development. Moreover, it spreads the burden of taxation more equitably across various sectors of the state’s business complex, thus making the system more responsive to future expansion in overall state performance and fiscal needs. The reductions in property taxes also serve as a catalyst to future real estate development. In essence, this measure, if enacted, would represent a notable milestone in moving the Texas tax structure away from an ‘industrial revolution’ model and more toward one suited for an information and technology society." More....

Sensenbrenner on Immigration Reform Battle

Thursday , March 30, 2006


This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," March 29, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Thousands of demonstrators who hit the streets this week to protest immigration reform, have they actually hurt their own cause with their anti-American signs? Well, one sign even featured doctored photographs of the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. And that would be Congressman James Sensenbrenner. And they put him dressed in a Nazi uniform.

Barton Supports Data Security Legislation, Protections from ID Theft

WASHINGTON – The House Energy and Commerce Committee, chaired by U.S. Rep. Joe Barton (R-Ennis), unanimously approved new data security laws Wednesday that will ensure consumers' personal information is closely guarded and consumers are notified when they are at risk.

"Nobody needs to be left in the dark when their data has been compromised by a crook," said Barton. "Financial information has benefited from security protections for many years. But criminals can cause harm with other sensitive personal information that many companies have and it is time for a federal standard which protects that information." more

Monday, March 20, 2006

Delegates & Alternates to County and State

To all County Convention Delegates & Alternates,

If you are needing information regarding how the will work County Convention go to http://www.texasgop.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Candidates_Convention06 . The County Convention will be held this Saturday, March 25, 2006 from 10am - 2:00pm at The Cowboy Church in Waxahachie. It is located about one mile west of Ovilla Road on Highway 287.
Please remember coming from Waxahachie you'll need to exit the I-35E exit and continue on the service road going west (past Thornhill Auto dealership) until you reach the church next to the Ellis County Youth Expo Center.

We will try to start the convention at 10am so please arrive at least 45 minutes early to get your credentials.

Also, if you are planning (or would like to consider going) on going to the Republican State Convention in San Antonio please be sure to get your name on nominations while there.
Again, go to http://www.texasgop.org/ for information concerning the upcoming state convention.

Rusty Ballard, Chairman
Ellis County GOP

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ellis County Republican Convention

When: March 25, 2006

Time : Starts at 10:00am until approximately 2:00pm

Location: The Cowboy Church of Ellis County, off the highway 287 service road just west of Ovilla road. Next to the Ellis County Youth Expo in Waxahachie.

Contact numbers:

Rusty cell: 214-394-4961

Debbie Garvin cell: 214-448-7324

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Secretary of State Roger Williams Coming to Waxahachie March 6th.

Secretary of State Roger Williams recently kicked off VOTEXAS, an educational initiative developed to encourage every Texan to get involved and vote in the upcoming primaries. Over the course of 2006, Secretary Williams will travel around the state to support VOTEXAS and one of his next stops is Waxahachie.

You are cordially invited to join the Secretary for this event at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, March 6, 2006 in parking lot to the right of Navarro College’s Waxahachie campus located at 1900 John Arden Drive, Waxahachie, Texas.

Secretary Williams will explain the efforts taken by Texas to utilize technology and create a secure and easy voting environment for all. The event will also feature the VOTEXAS mobile exhibit, a 33-foot bus carrying educational materials. In addition to the press conference, electronic voting machines will be set up so that attendees can try electronic voting before Election Day.

You can also visit our Web site, www.votexas.org.

Rick Perry Event: No campaigning allowed at polling locations

Candidates for office in the March 7th Primary cannot wear, handout or display campaign materials at the Midlothian Conference Center today. The Highway 287 Bypass Dedication is today at 3:00pm. with Governor Rick Perry as Special Guest Speaker.

Early Voting is taking place at the Conference Center at the opposite end of the building. The candidates must adhere to the election policies regarding their vehicles and signage outside the building as well.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Notice of Executive Committee meeting

Notice of Executive Committee meeting

The Republican Party of Ellis County will hold an executive commitee meeting on March 16, 2005 at it's local headquarters (204 South Elm Street, Waxahachie, Texas). This is an extremely important meeting as the committee must canvas primary election results to be turned into the state party.

We will also have guest speaker, Brooke Rollins, president, of Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The Foundation's mission is to improve Texas government by generating academically sound research and data on state issues, and by recommending the findings to opinion leaders, policy makers, the media and general public. The work of the Foundation is conducted by academics across Texas and is funded by hundreds of individuals, foundations and corporations.
The public is demanding a different direction for their government and the Texas Public Policy Foundation is providing the research that enables policy makers to chart that new course.
You can learn more about the TPPF by going to http://www.texaspolicy.com

Rusty Ballard, Chairman,
Ellis County GOP
972-938-9383 - Headquarters

Republican Judges & Clerks needed:

Republican Judges & Clerks needed:

We have lost two polling judges and need replacements ASAP. If you know of anyone available to work precincts 121 and 129 please let me know immediately. Also, we need a few clerks as well.

Please call Debbie Garvin at 972-938-9383 (HQ) or 214-448-7324