Ellis County GOP Blog

Welcome to the official blog of the Ellis County GOP. I hope this to be a location to quickly get out important information regarding the Ellis County GOP. 972-938-9383 or the Chairman's cell at 214-394-4961.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

TPPF: Texas Road Policy - Keeping Up With Demand

Find the following limk to Byron Schlomach, Ph.D. Chief Economist, Texas Public Policy Foundation Report on Texas Road Policy. It discusses many, if not all, options Texas can utilize in the coming years. TPPN REPORT

"Texas faces a host of transportation challenges, not the least of which is to maintain the
largest road network in the nation. Texas is a major throughway for freight from Mexico
and throughout the world. Consequently, Texas roads are getting more use than ever, and
more roads are needed in Texas than ever before.

Texas has fallen behind on its road infrastructure investment. Other priorities at the state
and federal levels have forced the state’s economy to grow by consuming a road
investment that was made decades ago".


  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Deer Hunter said…

    Would Joe Barton support the Trans Texas Corridor if it went through Arlington? Of course not! We need new representataion in this district that REPRESENTS the wishes and best interests of the constituents. I may run against Mr. Barton on an anti TTC platform nest time around.


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